in the heart of a bustling city, a regal figure made of vibrant green leaves and gold accents lies seated on a small wooden table, surrounded by lush greenery. The woman's beady eyes gleam with a sense of sophistication, as she gazes out at the verdant streets below. A twig and shell are pulled into the air, and she wears a flowing necklace that resembles a regal jolt. The scene is completed by a single eyebrow extending into the middle of the frame, revealing a wide-brimmed smile. The caption reads, "Modification from an earlier caption: In this case, we've added details about the tone of the expression and the location of the scene."
in the heart of a bustling city, a regal figure made of vibrant green leaves and gold accents lies seated on a small wooden table, surrounded by lush greenery. The woman's beady eyes gleam with a sense of sophistication, as she gazes out at the verdant streets below. A twig and shell are pulled into the air, and she wears a flowing necklace that resembles a regal jolt. The scene is completed by a single eyebrow extending into the middle of the frame, revealing a wide-brimmed smile. The caption reads, "Modification from an earlier caption: In this case, we've added details about the tone of the expression and the location of the scene."