In the bustling cityscape, a young woman ebony with bright blonde hair and yellow eyes lounges on a vibrant beach chair, her black shirt adorned with a vibrant yellow ribbon. Her eyes widen with happiness as she gazes at the sweeping views of the city. The waves crash against the shore, adding a surreal twist to her scene. In the background, a group of seagulls cry, their eyes wide and proud. As the boat sinks deeper into the seagulls' dreams, this beach comes to life. Instead, a true superhero adorns the soul.
In the bustling cityscape, a young woman ebony with bright blonde hair and yellow eyes lounges on a vibrant beach chair, her black shirt adorned with a vibrant yellow ribbon. Her eyes widen with happiness as she gazes at the sweeping views of the city. The waves crash against the shore, adding a surreal twist to her scene. In the background, a group of seagulls cry, their eyes wide and proud. As the boat sinks deeper into the seagulls' dreams, this beach comes to life. Instead, a true superhero adorns the soul.