The Exile of Rama: Rama, Sita, and Lakshmana are depicted leaving the grand Hindu palace of Ayodhya, heading towards the dense forest. Rama, dressed in simple robes and holding a bow, leads the way with a calm and resolute expression. Sita follows, her attire modest, reflecting the transition from royal life to exile. Lakshmana, carrying a quiver of arrows, walks beside them, vigilant and protective. In the background, the palace can be seen fading into the distance, symbolizing their departure from their former life.
The Exile of Rama: Rama, Sita, and Lakshmana are depicted leaving the grand Hindu palace of Ayodhya, heading towards the dense forest. Rama, dressed in simple robes and holding a bow, leads the way with a calm and resolute expression. Sita follows, her attire modest, reflecting the transition from royal life to exile. Lakshmana, carrying a quiver of arrows, walks beside them, vigilant and protective. In the background, the palace can be seen fading into the distance, symbolizing their departure from their former life.