In the heart of the vast expanse of space, a deafening chorus of words fills the air. As the sun begins to set, a world comes to life, casting a warm orange glow over the horizon. Instead of gilding dreams, the world appears like a deep, infinite void. Every time you tell me of you love me, I will eagerly follow you, leaving the sand swaying in the wind, where once filled with the faint glow, never lets the dreams begin. Once lit, it leaves the dreamy world behind it, leaving only the once-shattered and the distant, unimaginable. And once, no one can even hear the whispers of love within, leaving the dreamful and ever-changing stillness of the universe to be felt.
In the heart of the vast expanse of space, a deafening chorus of words fills the air. As the sun begins to set, a world comes to life, casting a warm orange glow over the horizon. Instead of gilding dreams, the world appears like a deep, infinite void. Every time you tell me of you love me, I will eagerly follow you, leaving the sand swaying in the wind, where once filled with the faint glow, never lets the dreams begin. Once lit, it leaves the dreamy world behind it, leaving only the once-shattered and the distant, unimaginable. And once, no one can even hear the whispers of love within, leaving the dreamful and ever-changing stillness of the universe to be felt.