The scene is set for a high-energy fashion show where models strut down the runway. The event is branded with the iconic Louboutin label. a bella Hadid model showcases a striking outfit featuring a form-fitting jumpsuit made from sleek fabric, complemented by rigid latex boots that extend all the way up the leg, and bold, wide opera latex gloves that add a dramatic flair.
Européens du Nord,Serein,Queue de cheval
Objectif grand angle à ultra longue distance,Plan en pied,Prise dynamique
The scene is set for a high-energy fashion show where models strut down the runway. The event is branded with the iconic Louboutin label. a bella Hadid model showcases a striking outfit featuring a form-fitting jumpsuit made from sleek fabric, complemented by rigid latex boots that extend all the way up the leg, and bold, wide opera latex gloves that add a dramatic flair.
Européens du Nord,Serein,Queue de cheval
Objectif grand angle à ultra longue distance,Plan en pied,Prise dynamique