two young girls in vibrant pink and lilac oversized puffy coats, wearing oversized umbrellas and carrying nails, make their way through a bustling city street as rain takes on a surreal effect. The rain churns and churns as the sun sets in the background and the cars honk in the distance. The girl, dressed in a pink dress and matching boots, appears on a phone, his eyes closed in awe as a rainbow-colored umbrella shines brightly in the sky.
two young girls in vibrant pink and lilac oversized puffy coats, wearing oversized umbrellas and carrying nails, make their way through a bustling city street as rain takes on a surreal effect. The rain churns and churns as the sun sets in the background and the cars honk in the distance. The girl, dressed in a pink dress and matching boots, appears on a phone, his eyes closed in awe as a rainbow-colored umbrella shines brightly in the sky.