The air carries a soft scent of aged roses as a beautifully presented bouquet of roses catches the eye. The petals are swaying gently in the breeze, their petals fluttering against the darkness. The wilting petals seem to burst, the roses etched with delicate petals dancing in a symphony of colors. A fierce gust of wind, the roses causing sadness and anger, are unadorned and inawe of the occurrence. The bouquet is filled with a sense of sorrow and sorrow, its petals intermingled with emotion in the air. Part of the bouquet is burning, symbolizing the anger and hurt of betrayed love.
The air carries a soft scent of aged roses as a beautifully presented bouquet of roses catches the eye. The petals are swaying gently in the breeze, their petals fluttering against the darkness. The wilting petals seem to burst, the roses etched with delicate petals dancing in a symphony of colors. A fierce gust of wind, the roses causing sadness and anger, are unadorned and inawe of the occurrence. The bouquet is filled with a sense of sorrow and sorrow, its petals intermingled with emotion in the air. Part of the bouquet is burning, symbolizing the anger and hurt of betrayed love.