A tranquil, anime-style koi pond in a serene Japanese garden, featuring blossoming cherry trees, atmospheric scene, smoky volumetric light and clouds, bold and striking composition, 8k resolution, film grain, highly detailed, realistic, lens flare, chromatic aberration effect, moody color grading, with inverted colors like an infrared image
Art Conceptuel-Fantaisie 13
Jungle,Planète Alien,Étonné,Surnaturel,Mondes Futurs,Ruines des Anciens Rois,Métropole Virtuelle,Paysage Extraterrestre,Gouvernement Secret,Grotte,Rune de Science-Fiction,Crépuscule,Brouillard,Pluie,Civilisation Extraterrestre Ancienne
A tranquil, anime-style koi pond in a serene Japanese garden, featuring blossoming cherry trees, atmospheric scene, smoky volumetric light and clouds, bold and striking composition, 8k resolution, film grain, highly detailed, realistic, lens flare, chromatic aberration effect, moody color grading, with inverted colors like an infrared image
Art Conceptuel-Fantaisie 13
Jungle,Planète Alien,Étonné,Surnaturel,Mondes Futurs,Ruines des Anciens Rois,Métropole Virtuelle,Paysage Extraterrestre,Gouvernement Secret,Grotte,Rune de Science-Fiction,Crépuscule,Brouillard,Pluie,Civilisation Extraterrestre Ancienne