Générateur d'Image IA
"32k photo-realistic, high definition, hyper-realistic"
In 2125, a futuristic flying bus levitates gently over a dense, tree-covered terrain, its wide windows reflecting the golden light of a setting sun. The passengers, dressed in minimalist yet luxurious attire, relax in fully automated reclining seats, guided by an AI-piloted system with real-time terrain analysis. The bus’s soft curves, illuminated by the ambient forest lighting, and its glowing undercarriage, make it appear as if it's floating through the air on a cushion of light.
Photographie-Photographie Documentaire 03
Civilisation Extraterrestre Ancienne,Jungle,Port Spatial,Planète Alien,Îles,Montagnes,Station Spatiale,Terres désolées,Gratte-ciels,Ville Futuriste,Colonie Martienne,Arène de Combat,Cimetière Hanté,Ville Cyberpunk
Objectif grand angle à ultra longue distance,Vue à Grand Angle,Tentative lointaine,Plan moyen long,Plan en pied,Vue aérienne,Vue d'oiseau,Vue du Drone,Vue de dessus,Vue en contre-plongée
Lumières Principales Latérales Fortes