in a sprawling anime-inspired arena filled with high-tech battlements and explosions, all players in saga video games engage in a fierce battle. The armor and armor of the combatants are dressed as superheroes, each representing the destruction of the galaxy. The scene is set against a backdrop of a dense, gold jungle background. The scene is filled with the sounds of cheering fans and the shouts of soldiers clattering back and forth as the players take their positions.
Art Conceptuel-Fantaisie 03
Objectif grand angle à ultra longue distance,Plan en pied
in a sprawling anime-inspired arena filled with high-tech battlements and explosions, all players in saga video games engage in a fierce battle. The armor and armor of the combatants are dressed as superheroes, each representing the destruction of the galaxy. The scene is set against a backdrop of a dense, gold jungle background. The scene is filled with the sounds of cheering fans and the shouts of soldiers clattering back and forth as the players take their positions.
Art Conceptuel-Fantaisie 03
Objectif grand angle à ultra longue distance,Plan en pied