situated in a mystical forest location, featuring a eerie, abandoned Victorian mansion walking eerily along a winding, mist-shrouded path, surrounded by an aura of creeping fog, exuding an unsettling, nightmarish ambiance, with bold, expressive pencil marks, and pronounced paper texture, evoking a sense of foreboding, in a predominantly dark, muted color palette, with flashes of crimson and gold, adding a touch of macabre elegance, and an air of cinematic mystique
situated in a mystical forest location, featuring a eerie, abandoned Victorian mansion walking eerily along a winding, mist-shrouded path, surrounded by an aura of creeping fog, exuding an unsettling, nightmarish ambiance, with bold, expressive pencil marks, and pronounced paper texture, evoking a sense of foreboding, in a predominantly dark, muted color palette, with flashes of crimson and gold, adding a touch of macabre elegance, and an air of cinematic mystique