As the sun sets over a bustling metropolis, a skyscraper made entirely of golden light bursts with a kaleidoscope of colors. Beneath the sky, a towering expanse of crimson leaves rises, as a sea of towering structures fills the sky. Neon stars twinkle from atop the skyscrapers, as if lost in a moment of pure coziness. In the distance, a small waterfall cascades between the trees, its falls crisscrossing the sky.
As the sun sets over a bustling metropolis, a skyscraper made entirely of golden light bursts with a kaleidoscope of colors. Beneath the sky, a towering expanse of crimson leaves rises, as a sea of towering structures fills the sky. Neon stars twinkle from atop the skyscrapers, as if lost in a moment of pure coziness. In the distance, a small waterfall cascades between the trees, its falls crisscrossing the sky.