In the middle of Isla desteda, towering over the serene scene, the towering arenas of sandstone houses and lush Palmeras stand tall, their emerald green skyscrapers glinting in the sunlight. In the distance, a group of deer watch curiously from a nearby awning, while a group of monkeys wanders about on board, chatting and swans crashing against the shore. The air is thick with the scent of blooming wildflowers and the sound of a nearby fire crackling in the background.
In the middle of Isla desteda, towering over the serene scene, the towering arenas of sandstone houses and lush Palmeras stand tall, their emerald green skyscrapers glinting in the sunlight. In the distance, a group of deer watch curiously from a nearby awning, while a group of monkeys wanders about on board, chatting and swans crashing against the shore. The air is thick with the scent of blooming wildflowers and the sound of a nearby fire crackling in the background.