In a surreal landscape, a rebellious girl with the Legendary Sword Clad in Gold and Dark blue, wields a large sword in one hand and holds a majestic sword in the other. The sword stands out against the emerald hues of the sky, while the cloak and crown are a striking shade of blue, contrasting with the stunning sword. The scene is surrounded by a sprawling garden filled with colorful flowers, adding to the fantastical and fantastical atmosphere.
Anime Traditionnel,Bac à sable,Contes de Fées Sombres,Dragon
In a surreal landscape, a rebellious girl with the Legendary Sword Clad in Gold and Dark blue, wields a large sword in one hand and holds a majestic sword in the other. The sword stands out against the emerald hues of the sky, while the cloak and crown are a striking shade of blue, contrasting with the stunning sword. The scene is surrounded by a sprawling garden filled with colorful flowers, adding to the fantastical and fantastical atmosphere.
Anime Traditionnel,Bac à sable,Contes de Fées Sombres,Dragon