a group of anthropomorphic leons gather on a deserted street, their furry bodies blending in seamlessly with their intricate patterns. They all wear helmets and gloves, and their aviator gazes out at the world, marveling at the sight. The towering structure is intricately designed, with vines and vines that stretch out like wings through the rocks. The air is thick with the scent of burnt wood and jasmine. This is a place where the laws of nature never go before, and the world around them is too quiet to be real.
a group of anthropomorphic leons gather on a deserted street, their furry bodies blending in seamlessly with their intricate patterns. They all wear helmets and gloves, and their aviator gazes out at the world, marveling at the sight. The towering structure is intricately designed, with vines and vines that stretch out like wings through the rocks. The air is thick with the scent of burnt wood and jasmine. This is a place where the laws of nature never go before, and the world around them is too quiet to be real.