A hyper-detailed portrait of a realistic anime superhero amidst an intense battle between fire and water forces, highlighting a symmetrical face, glowing scars, and confident stance as a mystical warrior. Wearing an enchanted crimson robe, golden chest plate, and reinforced obsidian leg guards made of enchanted minerals and shimmering magical weaves. Shot with the Sony Alpha 1 using an 85mm f/1.4 lens, ISO 50, aperture f/1.4, and 64K HDR ultra-wide frame. Set against a raging battlefield with erupting lava and cascading water torrents, enhanced with dynamic lighting and fiery embers. Inspired by the style of Hayao Miyazaki’s epics, combining Unreal Engine CGI and After Effects VFX for cinematic mastery.
Plan en pied,Tentative lointaine,Plan moyen long,Vue à Grand Angle,Vue de haut,Vue en plongée,Vue de dessus
A hyper-detailed portrait of a realistic anime superhero amidst an intense battle between fire and water forces, highlighting a symmetrical face, glowing scars, and confident stance as a mystical warrior. Wearing an enchanted crimson robe, golden chest plate, and reinforced obsidian leg guards made of enchanted minerals and shimmering magical weaves. Shot with the Sony Alpha 1 using an 85mm f/1.4 lens, ISO 50, aperture f/1.4, and 64K HDR ultra-wide frame. Set against a raging battlefield with erupting lava and cascading water torrents, enhanced with dynamic lighting and fiery embers. Inspired by the style of Hayao Miyazaki’s epics, combining Unreal Engine CGI and After Effects VFX for cinematic mastery.
Plan en pied,Tentative lointaine,Plan moyen long,Vue à Grand Angle,Vue de haut,Vue en plongée,Vue de dessus