: A combined character from the sci-fi action movie "Robocop" and the anime character "Ghost in the Shell", the perfect blend of human and cyborg, striking a deadly pose in a post-apocalyptic world of mega-cities, posing with dimensional precision while being bathed in a soft-hued radiance of the late 22nd century, using Nikon Z6 prowess, and auto-focus feature. (22nd century)
Plan en pied,Tentative lointaine,Plan moyen long,Vue à Grand Angle,Vue de haut,Vue en plongée,Vue de dessus
: A combined character from the sci-fi action movie "Robocop" and the anime character "Ghost in the Shell", the perfect blend of human and cyborg, striking a deadly pose in a post-apocalyptic world of mega-cities, posing with dimensional precision while being bathed in a soft-hued radiance of the late 22nd century, using Nikon Z6 prowess, and auto-focus feature. (22nd century)
Plan en pied,Tentative lointaine,Plan moyen long,Vue à Grand Angle,Vue de haut,Vue en plongée,Vue de dessus