a series of red roses with green stems, the roses are centrally positioned in the image, the petals have subtle gradients of red from light to darker shades, leaves are intricately detailed and cover most of the roses, below the roses is an inscription plaque containing at least two small words such as "thorns" also written on the plaque, each rose has a golden blaze due to lighting or warmth, trees without leaves create a dark background, the foreground appears larger due to perspective, photographic detail includes a high level of detail, mostly focusing on the roses while the background seems slightly out of focus
a series of red roses with green stems, the roses are centrally positioned in the image, the petals have subtle gradients of red from light to darker shades, leaves are intricately detailed and cover most of the roses, below the roses is an inscription plaque containing at least two small words such as "thorns" also written on the plaque, each rose has a golden blaze due to lighting or warmth, trees without leaves create a dark background, the foreground appears larger due to perspective, photographic detail includes a high level of detail, mostly focusing on the roses while the background seems slightly out of focus