"A magical Christmas skyscraper blending Art Deco and festive aesthetics, standing tall in a snowy metropolis. The building is adorned with neon holiday lights forming intricate patterns, and its spire is crowned with a glowing golden star. The façade features carved snowflake motifs and illuminated Christmas murals. Surrounding streets are filled with bustling holiday markets and softly glowing streetlights, captured in ultra-realistic 8K with vibrant, dynamic lighting effects."
"A magical Christmas skyscraper blending Art Deco and festive aesthetics, standing tall in a snowy metropolis. The building is adorned with neon holiday lights forming intricate patterns, and its spire is crowned with a glowing golden star. The façade features carved snowflake motifs and illuminated Christmas murals. Surrounding streets are filled with bustling holiday markets and softly glowing streetlights, captured in ultra-realistic 8K with vibrant, dynamic lighting effects."