An anime-style portrait inspired by Kyoto Animation's aesthetic, featuring a petite high school girl with a slender and delicate figure, radiating a mysterious and enigmatic aura. Her long black hair, streaked subtly with brown, is wildly untamed and unkempt, with messy, spiky strands sticking out in all directions, creating a chaotic yet captivating look. The front of her hair is voluminous and fluffy, framing her face with an intentionally disheveled charm. Her deep black eyes are piercing and devoid of emotion, amplifying her haunting presence. She wears an extraordinary academy uniform with a gothic and arcane design—featuring a high-collared blouse, an elegantly tailored blazer with intricate silver patterns, and a layered skirt with flowing lace and sharp, asymmetrical cuts. A striking dark gemstone is embedded in a brooch at her chest, signifying her unique status in the academy. The setting is a dimly lit, grand school corridor illuminated by moonlight streaming through tall arched windows, casting soft, spectral shadows on the polished wooden floors.
An anime-style portrait inspired by Kyoto Animation's aesthetic, featuring a petite high school girl with a slender and delicate figure, radiating a mysterious and enigmatic aura. Her long black hair, streaked subtly with brown, is wildly untamed and unkempt, with messy, spiky strands sticking out in all directions, creating a chaotic yet captivating look. The front of her hair is voluminous and fluffy, framing her face with an intentionally disheveled charm. Her deep black eyes are piercing and devoid of emotion, amplifying her haunting presence. She wears an extraordinary academy uniform with a gothic and arcane design—featuring a high-collared blouse, an elegantly tailored blazer with intricate silver patterns, and a layered skirt with flowing lace and sharp, asymmetrical cuts. A striking dark gemstone is embedded in a brooch at her chest, signifying her unique status in the academy. The setting is a dimly lit, grand school corridor illuminated by moonlight streaming through tall arched windows, casting soft, spectral shadows on the polished wooden floors.