"Design a delightful and eye-catching YouTube logo featuring four adorable animals: a fluffy white rabbit, a playful yellow baby duckling, a cute baby cow with soft spots, and a cuddly sheep with woolly fur. Arrange the animals in a circular layout to create a harmonious and balanced composition, with each animal displaying a cheerful and friendly expression. Use pastel tones for the background, such as a soft green or light blue, to convey a fresh and inviting atmosphere. The rabbit could have its ears perked up, the duckling with a tiny playful splash, the baby cow with an innocent wide-eyed look, and the sheep looking fluffy and relaxed. Incorporate subtle highlights, shadows, and a cartoonish yet professional style, ensuring the logo feels joyful and perfect for a channel celebrating cute animals and wholesome content."
"Design a delightful and eye-catching YouTube logo featuring four adorable animals: a fluffy white rabbit, a playful yellow baby duckling, a cute baby cow with soft spots, and a cuddly sheep with woolly fur. Arrange the animals in a circular layout to create a harmonious and balanced composition, with each animal displaying a cheerful and friendly expression. Use pastel tones for the background, such as a soft green or light blue, to convey a fresh and inviting atmosphere. The rabbit could have its ears perked up, the duckling with a tiny playful splash, the baby cow with an innocent wide-eyed look, and the sheep looking fluffy and relaxed. Incorporate subtle highlights, shadows, and a cartoonish yet professional style, ensuring the logo feels joyful and perfect for a channel celebrating cute animals and wholesome content."