An acoustic guitar placed in a dark construction site building during the daytime. The guitar rests against a stack of wooden planks, surrounded by unfinished walls, exposed beams, and scattered construction tools. Shafts of daylight filter through gaps in the structure, casting long shadows across the dusty concrete floor. The atmosphere is gritty, with construction equipment like a hammer, saws, and steel beams in the background, creating a stark contrast between the delicate guitar and the rugged environment.
An acoustic guitar placed in a dark construction site building during the daytime. The guitar rests against a stack of wooden planks, surrounded by unfinished walls, exposed beams, and scattered construction tools. Shafts of daylight filter through gaps in the structure, casting long shadows across the dusty concrete floor. The atmosphere is gritty, with construction equipment like a hammer, saws, and steel beams in the background, creating a stark contrast between the delicate guitar and the rugged environment.