Superhero inspired by Cadmus, the Phoenician prince credited with introducing the alphabet to the Greeks. Reimagine him as a master of cosmic communication in a future where languages bridge galaxies. His attire melds Phoenician prince aesthetics with advanced comm-tech designs, adorned with glyph motifs. His aura pulses with the power of universal dialogue. Incorporate a tablet that can translate and transmit any cosmic language. Colors: word walnut, weaver white, and pioneer purple. Capture the essence of a pioneer uniting the universe through language.
Superhero inspired by Cadmus, the Phoenician prince credited with introducing the alphabet to the Greeks. Reimagine him as a master of cosmic communication in a future where languages bridge galaxies. His attire melds Phoenician prince aesthetics with advanced comm-tech designs, adorned with glyph motifs. His aura pulses with the power of universal dialogue. Incorporate a tablet that can translate and transmit any cosmic language. Colors: word walnut, weaver white, and pioneer purple. Capture the essence of a pioneer uniting the universe through language.