Superhero inspired by Raijin, the Japanese god of lightning and thunder. Reimagine him as a titan ruling over cosmic storms in a future where electric tempests power galaxies. His attire showcases a blend of Japanese storm god aesthetics with advanced thunder-tech designs, adorned with drum and lightning bolt patterns. His presence crackles with electric might. Incorporate a drum, pulsating with cosmic energy, that can ignite or quell any galactic storm. Colors: thunder teal, throne thistle, and titan tangerine. Capture the essence of a titan orchestrating the electric symphonies of the universe.
Superhero inspired by Raijin, the Japanese god of lightning and thunder. Reimagine him as a titan ruling over cosmic storms in a future where electric tempests power galaxies. His attire showcases a blend of Japanese storm god aesthetics with advanced thunder-tech designs, adorned with drum and lightning bolt patterns. His presence crackles with electric might. Incorporate a drum, pulsating with cosmic energy, that can ignite or quell any galactic storm. Colors: thunder teal, throne thistle, and titan tangerine. Capture the essence of a titan orchestrating the electric symphonies of the universe.