Sanji, transformed into a space chef, flaunts a sleek, fire-resistant culinary suit with a jet-powered apron. His hair, still impeccably styled, defies zero-gravity. In the galley of their star vessel, he prepares otherworldly feasts with ingredients from across the universe, his dishes as daring as his kicks. A diverse crew gathers, drawn by the aroma of his cosmic cuisine. Anime style. Full body.
Sanji, transformed into a space chef, flaunts a sleek, fire-resistant culinary suit with a jet-powered apron. His hair, still impeccably styled, defies zero-gravity. In the galley of their star vessel, he prepares otherworldly feasts with ingredients from across the universe, his dishes as daring as his kicks. A diverse crew gathers, drawn by the aroma of his cosmic cuisine. Anime style. Full body.