Visualize Shoto Aizawa, also known as Eraser Head from 'My Hero Academia,' as a cyborg pro hero. His hero costume is combined with a tactical cybernetic suit, equipped with gadgets to aid his quirk, 'Erasure.' The design includes enhanced vision goggles for precise quirk nullification and retractable combat wires. The color palette is a mix of his usual dark tones with futuristic grey and neon green highlights.
Visualize Shoto Aizawa, also known as Eraser Head from 'My Hero Academia,' as a cyborg pro hero. His hero costume is combined with a tactical cybernetic suit, equipped with gadgets to aid his quirk, 'Erasure.' The design includes enhanced vision goggles for precise quirk nullification and retractable combat wires. The color palette is a mix of his usual dark tones with futuristic grey and neon green highlights.