Superhero inspired by Paul Revere, the American patriot known for his midnight ride to warn of British forces. His full-body suit is designed for speed and stealth, with a built-in communication system to relay messages across vast distances without detection. His helmet features night-vision and thermal imaging, and his boots are silent on any terrain. His ride, a high-speed electric motorcycle, is as swift and dependable as his legendary horse. Colors: liberty blue, astra, and silver, full body.
Superhero inspired by Paul Revere, the American patriot known for his midnight ride to warn of British forces. His full-body suit is designed for speed and stealth, with a built-in communication system to relay messages across vast distances without detection. His helmet features night-vision and thermal imaging, and his boots are silent on any terrain. His ride, a high-speed electric motorcycle, is as swift and dependable as his legendary horse. Colors: liberty blue, astra, and silver, full body.