Imagine a lively and enchanting illustration of Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, and the Cowardly Lion from The Wizard of Oz. Dorothy is depicted in her classic blue and white gingham dress with her shiny ruby slippers, and she’s holding Toto, her small black dog, in her basket. The Scarecrow, with a joyful expression, has a hat perched jauntily on his head and straw peeking out from his clothes. The Tin Man, polished and metallic, stands tall with his oil can in hand and a red heart sticker on his chest. The Cowardly Lion, with a lush mane and a face showing a mix of courage and nervousness, completes the group. They are all walking down the Yellow Brick Road, surrounded by the vibrant, fantastical flora of the Emerald City’s outskirts under a bright and cheerful sky.
Imagine a lively and enchanting illustration of Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, and the Cowardly Lion from The Wizard of Oz. Dorothy is depicted in her classic blue and white gingham dress with her shiny ruby slippers, and she’s holding Toto, her small black dog, in her basket. The Scarecrow, with a joyful expression, has a hat perched jauntily on his head and straw peeking out from his clothes. The Tin Man, polished and metallic, stands tall with his oil can in hand and a red heart sticker on his chest. The Cowardly Lion, with a lush mane and a face showing a mix of courage and nervousness, completes the group. They are all walking down the Yellow Brick Road, surrounded by the vibrant, fantastical flora of the Emerald City’s outskirts under a bright and cheerful sky.