Antiheroine inspired by Maleficent, reimagined as a powerful and complex figure with control over nature and dark magic. Her full-body suit is a blend of elegant fae attire and protective battle armor, with thorn-like accents and a raven motif. She can transform into a formidable dragon at will, unleashing fiery destruction. Her staff, topped with a glowing orb, channels her mystical powers and allows her to command the forces of nature. Colors: midnight black, pastel green, and bouquet purple, full body.
Antiheroine inspired by Maleficent, reimagined as a powerful and complex figure with control over nature and dark magic. Her full-body suit is a blend of elegant fae attire and protective battle armor, with thorn-like accents and a raven motif. She can transform into a formidable dragon at will, unleashing fiery destruction. Her staff, topped with a glowing orb, channels her mystical powers and allows her to command the forces of nature. Colors: midnight black, pastel green, and bouquet purple, full body.