A superhero named Stellar Surge, featuring a dynamic costume with a base color of metallic blue for the main suit, reflecting his super speed and dynamic movement. Accents of folly (vivid red) are highlighted on the suit's piping, and cuffs, symbolizing the intense energy he can unleash. The boots are metallic purple, adding a regal and powerful aesthetic. The superhero has a muscular build and an intense expression, showcasing his energy absorption and redirection powers with visual effects of energy beams emanating from his hands. He stands in a futuristic cityscape at night, enhancing the dramatic sci-fi theme.
A superhero named Stellar Surge, featuring a dynamic costume with a base color of metallic blue for the main suit, reflecting his super speed and dynamic movement. Accents of folly (vivid red) are highlighted on the suit's piping, and cuffs, symbolizing the intense energy he can unleash. The boots are metallic purple, adding a regal and powerful aesthetic. The superhero has a muscular build and an intense expression, showcasing his energy absorption and redirection powers with visual effects of energy beams emanating from his hands. He stands in a futuristic cityscape at night, enhancing the dramatic sci-fi theme.