In the heart of an urban oasis, a modern contemporary house with polished concrete and wood elements stands tall, and the house is the focal point. The urban landscape features white, painted walls, and a lush green lawn. People, dressed in sleek black shirts and shorts, move in a sea of people, with sleek cars and sleek retro-branded vehicles. The scene is rendered in vivid contrasts of white, with the house's exterior blending seamlessly into the surrounding sky.
निवास भवन,सतत नवाचार,सादगीपूर्ण सादगी,मेक्सिकन आधुनिकता,मध्य-शताब्दी आधुनिक
In the heart of an urban oasis, a modern contemporary house with polished concrete and wood elements stands tall, and the house is the focal point. The urban landscape features white, painted walls, and a lush green lawn. People, dressed in sleek black shirts and shorts, move in a sea of people, with sleek cars and sleek retro-branded vehicles. The scene is rendered in vivid contrasts of white, with the house's exterior blending seamlessly into the surrounding sky.
निवास भवन,सतत नवाचार,सादगीपूर्ण सादगी,मेक्सिकन आधुनिकता,मध्य-शताब्दी आधुनिक