As the sun begins to set, the city of Tulvay casts a warm orange glow on the buildings around them. The buildings are covered in a glimmering structure, each one adorned with intricate carvings and stones. Some have been decorated with ancient hieroglyphics, while others boast intricate stone designs. Instead of a single wooden bar, the buildings have balconies with paved paths and vibrant green grass, beckoning those brave enough to explore these captivating avenues. The glass railings are adorned with wood coverings, serving as fortresses for travelers, and amidst the city's misty landscape, the view from the sun is breathtaking.
As the sun begins to set, the city of Tulvay casts a warm orange glow on the buildings around them. The buildings are covered in a glimmering structure, each one adorned with intricate carvings and stones. Some have been decorated with ancient hieroglyphics, while others boast intricate stone designs. Instead of a single wooden bar, the buildings have balconies with paved paths and vibrant green grass, beckoning those brave enough to explore these captivating avenues. The glass railings are adorned with wood coverings, serving as fortresses for travelers, and amidst the city's misty landscape, the view from the sun is breathtaking.