Anime male character named Chad, sitting on a throne with a pacifier in his mouth, exuding a stylish and suave vibe. He is inspired by ruan cute VTuber aesthetics and has an eboy look with a pouting expression. His attire includes a white leather jacket and white gradient light cyan hair, with the gradient being particularly emphasized. His design is proportioned at 9 heads tall, showcasing an elegant and cool figure. The image should be of the best quality, delicate, beautifully detailed, with detailed skin
Anime male character named Chad, sitting on a throne with a pacifier in his mouth, exuding a stylish and suave vibe. He is inspired by ruan cute VTuber aesthetics and has an eboy look with a pouting expression. His attire includes a white leather jacket and white gradient light cyan hair, with the gradient being particularly emphasized. His design is proportioned at 9 heads tall, showcasing an elegant and cool figure. The image should be of the best quality, delicate, beautifully detailed, with detailed skin