As the sun sets over the emerald waters of Haor, a serene lake rises from its seashells. In the heart of this enchanting city, a sprawling floating retreat, made entirely out of rusty straw and wood, comes to life. The serene reflection of the waves on the shoreline is reflected in the surrounding water, creating a tranquil effect. But instead of boats, one can imagine a group of seagulls soaring overhead, providing a peaceful contrast to the natural splendor of the surrounding river.
अत्यधिक लंबी दूरी का व्यापक कोण लेंस
As the sun sets over the emerald waters of Haor, a serene lake rises from its seashells. In the heart of this enchanting city, a sprawling floating retreat, made entirely out of rusty straw and wood, comes to life. The serene reflection of the waves on the shoreline is reflected in the surrounding water, creating a tranquil effect. But instead of boats, one can imagine a group of seagulls soaring overhead, providing a peaceful contrast to the natural splendor of the surrounding river.
अत्यधिक लंबी दूरी का व्यापक कोण लेंस