एआई इमेज जेनरेटर
32k photo-realistic, high-definition... A couple in traditional Indonesian wedding attire, standing in front of a backdrop of shimmering curtains. The woman is wearing a white dress with intricate lace details and a golden crown, while the man is wearing a black suit with gold embroidery and a traditional hat. They are both looking at the camera with a sense of love and happiness. The colors are vibrant and saturated, creating a dramatic contrast between light and dark. The style is reminiscent of classic portrait photography, with sharp details and a sense of realism.
ऊपर से देखा गया,ऊंचे कोण का दृश्य,45 डिग्री दृश्य,निम्न कोण दृश्य,पैनोरमा,360 पैनोरमा
मजबूत साइड की लाइट्स