Fashion design sketch series, consisting of five images, capturing a hand-drawn essence with hand-illustrated models. The clothing, primarily in black and green, is inspired by the colors of the 'Pitto' (or 'Running Man') exit sign. Each design features a jacket silhouette as the upper garment, adorned with creative details on the body or cuffs, crafted to exude a three-dimensional effect using stiff and lustrous fabrics. The lower garments are harmoniously paired with the uppers. The overall look is cool, energetic, and showcases excellent three-dimensional styling. The drawings are rendered with simple lines in a flat illustration style, akin to minimalistic art, using markers, watercolors, pencils, or other drawing tools on a white background.
Fashion design sketch series, consisting of five images, capturing a hand-drawn essence with hand-illustrated models. The clothing, primarily in black and green, is inspired by the colors of the 'Pitto' (or 'Running Man') exit sign. Each design features a jacket silhouette as the upper garment, adorned with creative details on the body or cuffs, crafted to exude a three-dimensional effect using stiff and lustrous fabrics. The lower garments are harmoniously paired with the uppers. The overall look is cool, energetic, and showcases excellent three-dimensional styling. The drawings are rendered with simple lines in a flat illustration style, akin to minimalistic art, using markers, watercolors, pencils, or other drawing tools on a white background.