A mother mischievously perches on her feet, her eldest son, named Lily, reminisces about the peaceful relationship between them. She slowly gains more experience with her son, who now appears as a deep, introspective shade of emerald brown. Lily raises her arms, her eyes closed, while Lily turns to reveal her deep, caring thoughts. The scene is set in a tranquil meadow, surrounded by wildflowers, as the sun sets behind her.
A mother mischievously perches on her feet, her eldest son, named Lily, reminisces about the peaceful relationship between them. She slowly gains more experience with her son, who now appears as a deep, introspective shade of emerald brown. Lily raises her arms, her eyes closed, while Lily turns to reveal her deep, caring thoughts. The scene is set in a tranquil meadow, surrounded by wildflowers, as the sun sets behind her.