A group of adorable children dressed as classic monsters, including a small Dracula with a tiny cape, a cute werewolf with fluffy ears, a mini Frankenstein with oversized bolts on his head, and a little ghost wearing a sheet with eye holes. They are standing together on a suburban street at dusk, with soft autumn leaves on the ground and warm porch lights glowing in the background. The kids look cheerful and excited, holding small candy buckets, with friendly smiles that make them look more endearing than scary. The atmosphere is playful, cozy, and festive.
A group of adorable children dressed as classic monsters, including a small Dracula with a tiny cape, a cute werewolf with fluffy ears, a mini Frankenstein with oversized bolts on his head, and a little ghost wearing a sheet with eye holes. They are standing together on a suburban street at dusk, with soft autumn leaves on the ground and warm porch lights glowing in the background. The kids look cheerful and excited, holding small candy buckets, with friendly smiles that make them look more endearing than scary. The atmosphere is playful, cozy, and festive.