In the heart of a bustling city, a modern-day house with a vibrant facade and large windows can be seen. The house is housed in a modern, industrial-style typewriter, and has a large window overlooking the city. The walls are painted a rich red, and the furniture is sleek and modern, with clean lines. The air is filled with the scent of fresh flowers and the sound of chatter and laughter. In the distance, a wooden desk with a picture of a herd of cows stops by, looking up at the sky in awe.
In the heart of a bustling city, a modern-day house with a vibrant facade and large windows can be seen. The house is housed in a modern, industrial-style typewriter, and has a large window overlooking the city. The walls are painted a rich red, and the furniture is sleek and modern, with clean lines. The air is filled with the scent of fresh flowers and the sound of chatter and laughter. In the distance, a wooden desk with a picture of a herd of cows stops by, looking up at the sky in awe.