In a strange and surreal scene, a young bookslord named Léa comes to life, her quills and leaves shimmering in the soft light of the winter sun. She receives a mysterious postcard from a small, isolated town during the surreal, winter-y day. The story takes place in a quiet suburban street, shrouded in a thick blanket of powder, while masked passersby gaze in the background, completing her surreal and vivid picture of humanity. The streets are quiet, save for the soft rustling of nearby trees and the soft rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze. The scene is a chaotic mix of symphony, a dreamlike quality, and the only feeling it's brought to life.
In a strange and surreal scene, a young bookslord named Léa comes to life, her quills and leaves shimmering in the soft light of the winter sun. She receives a mysterious postcard from a small, isolated town during the surreal, winter-y day. The story takes place in a quiet suburban street, shrouded in a thick blanket of powder, while masked passersby gaze in the background, completing her surreal and vivid picture of humanity. The streets are quiet, save for the soft rustling of nearby trees and the soft rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze. The scene is a chaotic mix of symphony, a dreamlike quality, and the only feeling it's brought to life.