In the mystical glow of night, three figures stand amidst the vibrant crowd at the grand garden ball. A young, tall man with messy brown-reddish hair is clad in a glittering silver tailcoat. He is clean shaved. Beside him skinny, petite woman with white skin and flowing blonde hair wears a stunning pink gown, fabric shimmering under the starlit sky. Next to her, another, young woman with long, obsidian-black hair and dusky skin with golden tattoos on her forehead, cheeks, and neck. She exudes confidence in a striking red gown with an elegant corset. A woman with black hair has golden tattoos on her face.
Their camaraderie is evident in their gestures, adding a unique warmth to the enchantment of the castle's magical festivities.
In the mystical glow of night, three figures stand amidst the vibrant crowd at the grand garden ball. A young, tall man with messy brown-reddish hair is clad in a glittering silver tailcoat. He is clean shaved. Beside him skinny, petite woman with white skin and flowing blonde hair wears a stunning pink gown, fabric shimmering under the starlit sky. Next to her, another, young woman with long, obsidian-black hair and dusky skin with golden tattoos on her forehead, cheeks, and neck. She exudes confidence in a striking red gown with an elegant corset. A woman with black hair has golden tattoos on her face.
Their camaraderie is evident in their gestures, adding a unique warmth to the enchantment of the castle's magical festivities.