In a post-apocalyptic desert landscape, a rebel engineer, Kael Vyrn (Charlize Theron), leads a convoy of survivors toward a mythical utopia. The group must navigate treacherous terrain, fend off mechanical raiders, and protect a device that can terraform the dying world. The villainous Overlord Zarth (Idris Elba) pursues them in his massive, heavily armed war rig.
*Camera Model:* Canon EOS R5
*Lens:* RF 35mm f/1.8 IS STM
*Settings:* Aperture priority, f/3.2, ISO 640, 1/320 shutter speed
*Art Style:* Unreal Engine V6, Greg Rutkowski, DeviantArt
पूरे शरीर की तस्वीर,लॉन्ग शॉट,मध्यम लंबा शॉट,वाइड एंगल व्यू,ऊपर देखने का दृश्य,ऊंचे कोण का दृश्य,ऊपर से देखा गया
In a post-apocalyptic desert landscape, a rebel engineer, Kael Vyrn (Charlize Theron), leads a convoy of survivors toward a mythical utopia. The group must navigate treacherous terrain, fend off mechanical raiders, and protect a device that can terraform the dying world. The villainous Overlord Zarth (Idris Elba) pursues them in his massive, heavily armed war rig.
*Camera Model:* Canon EOS R5
*Lens:* RF 35mm f/1.8 IS STM
*Settings:* Aperture priority, f/3.2, ISO 640, 1/320 shutter speed
*Art Style:* Unreal Engine V6, Greg Rutkowski, DeviantArt
पूरे शरीर की तस्वीर,लॉन्ग शॉट,मध्यम लंबा शॉट,वाइड एंगल व्यू,ऊपर देखने का दृश्य,ऊंचे कोण का दृश्य,ऊपर से देखा गया