a detailed kagame showing two games, one in red and one black, with an upcoming orange and black character, all players are wearing black helmets, kagama has a round head, the character has blue hair and a beard, there is light reflecting from the top left corner, bubbles are surrounding the player’s feet, some of which are floating, on the right side of the image there is a table with various objects including a glass cup with water and a few small spoons, to the far right there is a small bottle with "nordre kennel" written on it, the background is dark with more
a detailed kagame showing two games, one in red and one black, with an upcoming orange and black character, all players are wearing black helmets, kagama has a round head, the character has blue hair and a beard, there is light reflecting from the top left corner, bubbles are surrounding the player’s feet, some of which are floating, on the right side of the image there is a table with various objects including a glass cup with water and a few small spoons, to the far right there is a small bottle with "nordre kennel" written on it, the background is dark with more