Imagine a futuristic, post-apocalyptic cityscape, where a giant robotic suit stands tall, featuring a teddy bear head adorned with a pink bow. The surroundings are gritty, with cracked pavement and dim alleyways illuminated by soft street lights. Capture the contrast between the mechanical armor and the soft, playful appearance of the bear, evoking a sense of surrealism and whimsy in a harsh environment.
Imagine a futuristic, post-apocalyptic cityscape, where a giant robotic suit stands tall, featuring a teddy bear head adorned with a pink bow. The surroundings are gritty, with cracked pavement and dim alleyways illuminated by soft street lights. Capture the contrast between the mechanical armor and the soft, playful appearance of the bear, evoking a sense of surrealism and whimsy in a harsh environment.