the king of the earth is transformed into a warrior, who stands against the backdrop of an ancient and enigmatic landscape. The earth, also known as the kratos god, is transformed into a magnificent hoound tree, covered in intricate patterns of leaves and animals. The man's muscular frame and strong jaw are made of sturdy relics, and his eyes are a piercing green. These majestic creatures will soon devour all who see them, they will leave behind the destruction of their home.
the king of the earth is transformed into a warrior, who stands against the backdrop of an ancient and enigmatic landscape. The earth, also known as the kratos god, is transformed into a magnificent hoound tree, covered in intricate patterns of leaves and animals. The man's muscular frame and strong jaw are made of sturdy relics, and his eyes are a piercing green. These majestic creatures will soon devour all who see them, they will leave behind the destruction of their home.