Title: Santa Claus and the Sorcerer’s Gift
Tagline: “The greatest gift is magic itself.”
A digital illustration of teenage Nicholas Claus and Helena Claus at Hogwarts.
Nicholas Claus (later to be Santa Claus) is a teenager, with towhead blonde hair and no white beard. He wears a Hufflepuff-inspired robe, with a slightly awkward but warm expression, much like a young Neville Longbottom. He has one arm around a magical reindeer pet ., in the background is Hogwarts backdrop with soft golden light and snowflakes falling around. By his side is a magical creature resembling a reindeer, perhaps with sparkling antlers or a soft glow to emphasize its magical nature.
Helena Claus (Mrs. Claus-to-be), also a teenager, is dressed in blue and silver robes, styled like Professor Trelawny, holding a crystal ball that she uses to see what kids are doing. She has a mystical aura, with slightly wild hair and large spectacles, standing next to Nicholas with a confident and wise expression.
The Hogwarts castle glows in the background, with snow on the ground, and magical reindeer can be seen near Santa’s sleigh in the distance.
Title: Santa Claus and the Sorcerer’s Gift
Tagline: “The greatest gift is magic itself.”
A digital illustration of teenage Nicholas Claus and Helena Claus at Hogwarts.
Nicholas Claus (later to be Santa Claus) is a teenager, with towhead blonde hair and no white beard. He wears a Hufflepuff-inspired robe, with a slightly awkward but warm expression, much like a young Neville Longbottom. He has one arm around a magical reindeer pet ., in the background is Hogwarts backdrop with soft golden light and snowflakes falling around. By his side is a magical creature resembling a reindeer, perhaps with sparkling antlers or a soft glow to emphasize its magical nature.
Helena Claus (Mrs. Claus-to-be), also a teenager, is dressed in blue and silver robes, styled like Professor Trelawny, holding a crystal ball that she uses to see what kids are doing. She has a mystical aura, with slightly wild hair and large spectacles, standing next to Nicholas with a confident and wise expression.
The Hogwarts castle glows in the background, with snow on the ground, and magical reindeer can be seen near Santa’s sleigh in the distance.