When a rogue scientist known as The Catalyst begins manipulating genetics and advanced technology to create a new breed of superhumans, two unlikely heroes are forced into an uneasy alliance. Jason Bourne, a former operative haunted by a mysterious past, and Peter Parker, a young man burdened by the weight of his powers, must unite to stop The Catalyst from reshaping humanity. As they confront their personal demons and battle a ruthless enemy, they must learn to trust each other before The Catalyst’s twisted vision of evolution becomes the future. The clock is ticking, and the line between hero and weapon is dangerously thin.
When a rogue scientist known as The Catalyst begins manipulating genetics and advanced technology to create a new breed of superhumans, two unlikely heroes are forced into an uneasy alliance. Jason Bourne, a former operative haunted by a mysterious past, and Peter Parker, a young man burdened by the weight of his powers, must unite to stop The Catalyst from reshaping humanity. As they confront their personal demons and battle a ruthless enemy, they must learn to trust each other before The Catalyst’s twisted vision of evolution becomes the future. The clock is ticking, and the line between hero and weapon is dangerously thin.