Imagine a futuristic alien superhero, inspired by J'onn J'onzz, also known as Martian Manhunter. The superhero has green skin and a tall, muscular build. He wears a sleek, high-tech suit with glowing red and blue accents. His cape is made of a lightweight, advanced fabric that flows elegantly. His eyes are red and piercing. He has a stoic, heroic stance, conveying a sense of strength and wisdom. The background is a futuristic cityscape, with towering buildings and advanced flying vehicles. The color scheme is dominated by green, red, and metallic tones, emphasizing a futuristic and alien aesthetic. This is a full-body portrait.
Imagine a futuristic alien superhero, inspired by J'onn J'onzz, also known as Martian Manhunter. The superhero has green skin and a tall, muscular build. He wears a sleek, high-tech suit with glowing red and blue accents. His cape is made of a lightweight, advanced fabric that flows elegantly. His eyes are red and piercing. He has a stoic, heroic stance, conveying a sense of strength and wisdom. The background is a futuristic cityscape, with towering buildings and advanced flying vehicles. The color scheme is dominated by green, red, and metallic tones, emphasizing a futuristic and alien aesthetic. This is a full-body portrait.