Imagine a futuristic version of a character inspired by Vigilante from DC Comics. The character is depicted as a justice-seeking figure, blending elements of a classic cowboy with futuristic technology. His attire includes a modernized cowboy hat and a high-tech trench coat with advanced protective materials. The outfit has glowing accents and integrated gadgets, suggesting advanced combat and surveillance capabilities. His mask is upgraded with a high-tech visor for enhanced vision. He carries futuristic versions of traditional cowboy weapons, like a high-tech revolver and a smart lasso. His posture is alert and ready, embodying the essence of a vigilante. The background is a futuristic cityscape, combining elements of the old west with modern technology. The color scheme includes dark tones with accents of neon, reflecting his role as a nighttime defender in a futuristic world.
Imagine a futuristic version of a character inspired by Vigilante from DC Comics. The character is depicted as a justice-seeking figure, blending elements of a classic cowboy with futuristic technology. His attire includes a modernized cowboy hat and a high-tech trench coat with advanced protective materials. The outfit has glowing accents and integrated gadgets, suggesting advanced combat and surveillance capabilities. His mask is upgraded with a high-tech visor for enhanced vision. He carries futuristic versions of traditional cowboy weapons, like a high-tech revolver and a smart lasso. His posture is alert and ready, embodying the essence of a vigilante. The background is a futuristic cityscape, combining elements of the old west with modern technology. The color scheme includes dark tones with accents of neon, reflecting his role as a nighttime defender in a futuristic world.