Superhero inspired by Tigger, the exuberant character known for his bouncy personality. His full-body suit is made from a rubber-like material that amplifies his natural bouncing abilities, allowing him to leap great distances and heights with ease. The suit's tail is prehensile and can be used as a spring or to grasp objects. Tigger's boundless energy and optimism are infectious, making him a morale booster in even the direst situations. Colors: orange, stripe, and green, full body.
Superhero inspired by Tigger, the exuberant character known for his bouncy personality. His full-body suit is made from a rubber-like material that amplifies his natural bouncing abilities, allowing him to leap great distances and heights with ease. The suit's tail is prehensile and can be used as a spring or to grasp objects. Tigger's boundless energy and optimism are infectious, making him a morale booster in even the direst situations. Colors: orange, stripe, and green, full body.